"If he can go home and spend a day or two in Handwara or Kupwara I will accept what he has said it right," Mr Abdullah said adding "The strange thing is that in 2010 the same fellow saw the entire Kashmir in uprising and today he says it is only five percent populationism and that too manipulated by Facebook. Mr Lone who is J&K’s social welfare and science and technology minister on the BJP’s share in the coalition government had in an interview to a private TV channel last month also said that "nothing in Kashmir is spontaneous". Nazki’s remarks and reportedly termed her behaviour as "irresponsible."She further says that Chief Minister, Mehbooba Mufti’s, calls for action against the ‘handful miscreants’ on the one hand, and an appeal for calm and saving of young lives on the other, evincing a balancing act between her erstwhile healing touch policy and a more aggressive strategy and that the Centre too seems amiss. She said the ongoing unrest in the Valley is spontaneous and widespread. "During previous crisis, it (Centre) would step in, making up for the political vacuum within Srinagar, as was the case in 2010. It is wrong even if there are far too many agencies trying to keep Kashmir burning. "The powers that be need to either step up and stop the wrongdoings. Lone’s spouse. However, this time there was a conspicuous absence of the same, perilously allowing the power vacuum to expand," she says in the write-up. "The present uprising has completely different dynamics.." It is to be seen how the government or, for that matter, the PDP and its ally will react to the observations and remarks of Mr.After Jammu and Kashmir finance minister, Haseeb A, Drabu, it is his Cabinet colleague and separatist-turned-BJP ally Sajad Gani Lone who has been put in an embarrassing situation by his spouse after publicly differing with his views on the prevailing situation in the Valley. Or they need to step down.

Nazki, who is the daughter of well-known poet, broadcaster and media personality and the Sahitya Academy award recipient Farooq Nazki and a former employee of Tata Interactive Systems, had termed the happenings in the Valley as "immoral, unethical, tragic and wrong". She asserts his killings proved catalyst for the seething anger to brim over. This was seen by many here as an endorsement of the Centre’s charge that the unrest in the Valley is being sponsored and encouraged by Pakistan. She said, "The brutal killings of children, the criminal blinding and maiming of protesters, and the shameless suffocating of an entire population is wrong."Now Mr Lone’s wife Asma Khan Lone has also ridiculed his assertions. "After over a month of unrest the state machinery in Srinagar seems to have just about come to grips with the situation. Mufti, had further said, "In a democratic nation, a whole population is taken hostage for days on end without basic amenities, phones, newspapers and all of it is happening under the watch of a popularly-elected Government. I guess they just need to step down," she wrote on Facebook wall in July. Sources in the PDP said that the Chief Minister who is also the party president had expressed her displeasure over Ms.

The remarks evoked sharp criticism from the mainstream opposition parties and the separatists alike and former chief minister Omar Abdullah asked Mr Lone to hold a public rally in Kashmir if such was the situation." She also questions the PDP-BJP government’s response to crisis set off by the killing of Hizb-ul-Mujahedin commander Burhan Muzaffar Wani. Nazki who recently started a riverside tea room and art gallery called "Chai Jaai" which was incidentally inaugurated by Chief Minister, Ms.Earlier Mr.Mr Lone had recently said that only five percent of Kashmir population is protesting on roads and that those who are actually out on the streets fall in BPL (below poverty line) category.Ms.Ms Asma, who is a Pakistani national and lone child of the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) supremo Amanullah Khan who died in a Karachi hospital few months ago, has also said, "Most importantly, distinct from previous episodes, the present uprising is not issue-based — set against the ‘grievance’ of human rights violations as was the case in 2008 and 2010 — but sentiment-based, placed within the greater ‘aspiration’ for azaadi (self-determination). It is mostly spontaneous and led by groups of dauntless local youngsters, even if the militant footprint is on the rise," she PET injection molding machine Factory said in her write-up in the latest issue of Newsweek, Middle East. It is wrong even if it has been happening over the last two decades or so. Marred by confusion, internal power struggles—impeding a collective response and the process of balancing the divergent outlooks within the coalition partnership – the government’s ability for a more effective and engaging approach. The scope and scale are far more intense and widespread extending to hitherto unaffected areas and populations." Ms. They need to step down so that we can be convinced that every popularly-elected Government doesn’t necessarily turn into an unresponsive monolith as soon as it is sworn into power". Drabu’s wife Roohi Nazki had asked the ruling combine to either stop the civilian killings in the Valley or step down

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